Monday, August 19, 2013

Economic change

Change to what?

It’s so obvious that the total history of economic disasters center on the behavior of corporate economics.  It really doesn’t matter if it’s a capitalist or socialist, or communist based economy.

The decisions on how these various corporations are run is not a democratic process.  Because of that the rights of everyone and everything are not taken into consideration and because of that - mass pollution, extinction and the whole genocide of various ecosystems are either being exploited or destroyed by this process.

The system has to change, but change to what?

The first thing it has to be - is inclusive.  The second thing - is all entities have to be represented in the decision-making process.  The third - constant assessment of the effect of decisions made by the board on the human and ecological commons.

The concept is based on fairness and that fairness has to be inclusive.  Minorities have to be included as majorities are.  Representational decision-making must take place in all corporate decisions that include representatives of the effected systems.

There are presidents for this that show it can be done.

A parliamentary board system be established for every incorporated business and those elected would have standing as shareholders with the same voting rights as the investment shareholders.

Ecosystem shareholders, humanity shareholders, worker shareholders will be included in the composition of the board of directors.  All decisions by the board will then be assessed by and voted upon by all standing shareholders before any action will take place.

An assessment process of the corporate decisions will take place quarterly and a yearly assessment will combine earnings and profits accounting with the ecological and humanity implications will be included in the earnings accounting.

If those assessment show that the strategies that were implemented by the board were proved to be detrimental to humanity and the ecosystem, readies would be implemented to address and fix the decision making process that made the detrimental effects.

This process would be called the commons economy and would apply to all economic decision making at every level of the economic process.