Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We need to redesign the machine

State control of massive corporations, note China, doesn’t work for the eco-system, nor does local democratic processes, also note China.

No business practice that is generated by the state or ‘private sector’ is going to do the right thing when it comes to the ecosystem.

The reason?  Any present form of accounting using any system, just won’t hack it.

Machines once set in place run the same way for ever.  The reason – because they are machines.  You can look at any government run economic system or corporate run economic system, simple as a machine.

The present system, socialist, communist, capitalist, all are basically machines.  Running the machines either to make profits or not, end up in the same place.  It’s not about who runs the levers and pushes the buttons, it’s about how the machine is constructed.

We need to redesign the machine, but in a clandestine way, I would submit.

The whole conceptual thought is simply that.

Externality inclusion in how the machine is designed is the most pragmatic approach that I can think off to at least start the redesign process.

The Planet Is Broke

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chimera a myth or not

lion goat serpent combined a myth that is fast becoming a reality but in a different way due to science its how you see the future its how we create the new myths of today what ideas we pass on to the future its all about what was passed on to us from the past

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Should U.S. corporations disclose their externalities in their 10K reports?

Should U.S. corporations disclose their externalities in their 10K reports?

Of course they should.

Should Federal Government contracts with corporations include discloser of the externalities created by the contract requests?

Of course they should.

Should the insurance industry promote the recognition of externalities in the contracts they sign with various sectors of the economy they insure?

Of course they should.

As the magnitude of risk increases with the advent of climate change, let alone all the issues regarding water concerns, the repercussions on the climate and water alone are creating massive costs to the insurance industry.  The problem the insurance industry has, is they don’t know how and why it is happening and can't put a number on it because they don’t have the information they need to assess the insurance risks.  Or do they?

It’s time to start doing something about externalities.

The insurance industry is on the front lines of the negative effects of climate change, yet is given little or no options to confront these negative externalities that create the problems.

It’s time to start doing something about it.

The Security and Exchange Commission should include in corporate reporting, that corporation include their externalities in their reports to the SEC.

The Federal Government should include in their contracts that all externalities be included in the cost estimates in the contracts they let out for bid.

The insurance industry would then have a better understanding of the risks that they are insuring against.

Shouldn't the insurance industry be made aware of externality risks by corporate and government reporting and would then have a better understanding of the total risks involved?

Of course they should.