Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nature can no longer clean up after us

So it’s left up to us to clean up our own mess, or we are faced with greater and greater messes like Sandy, Haiyan, Deepwater Horizon, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster – the list goes on and on.

Our present economic system allows for this to happen, because it doesn’t recognize the harm we are doing to everything we care about. 

We are the economic system, there for it is up to us to make the needed changes to stop the messes we create day in and day out and stop the way we make these messes.

Nature doesn’t care what we do, because it will just change due to the messes the natural processes encounter.  These natural process adapt and because of that every thing on this planet get rearranged, different relationships develop, things come and go and nature could care less about what survives, what lives and what dies.

We influence nature with our very existence.

The more of us that give birth to more of us, the demands that we make on nature because of our behavior with the massive increase of our numbers, create more and more mess, which simply means we don’t have much of a wonderful future. 

The latest example of that is what just happened in the Philippines’.  It was brought about by you and me - all of us because of our every day behavior that creates nature’s reactions to our messes.

It’s time to clean up our act, or more and more of  ‘natural disasters’ will continue at a faster and faster pace.  Nature could care less about the human race, we had better begin to care about the behavior of nature, or we had better be prepared for more and more of the same.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Common Wealth

One Solution: People should be paid when businesses use the information they get from people who in turn make billions off these people’s information. There needs to be a new economic model - lets call it Common Wealth. It's about sharing as stated in this animation - sharing should take place in new ways within the old economic model, tell we all move into a new model that is developing before are own very eyes. Information should not be a profit center for the few, but should be a wealth center for all of us.  Again, a new economy called Common Wealth.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Capital Assessment Part1


Very short statements about capital that came out of the Marx's conference at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, that took place in the fall of 2013.  The economic philosophy that presently governs society represent a small part of the economics of Common Wealth.  It's about time we start to rethink that economic philosophy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Parasites Rule the ecosystem

Parasites Rule the ecosystem because they control the financial system.  It’s done by:

Controlling the structure of revenue flows

Controlling the institutions

Controlling the situational

Parasites are organized by neoliberal economists because they also are parasites.  Parasites are in charge of every aspect of the world economic system, by the simple act of controlling revenue flows.

Revenue flows control everything and everything depends on them.

Parasites need to be replaced by the free and living who reject the principle that parasites whom live off the free and living should continue to control all revenue flows.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Economic change

Change to what?

It’s so obvious that the total history of economic disasters center on the behavior of corporate economics.  It really doesn’t matter if it’s a capitalist or socialist, or communist based economy.

The decisions on how these various corporations are run is not a democratic process.  Because of that the rights of everyone and everything are not taken into consideration and because of that - mass pollution, extinction and the whole genocide of various ecosystems are either being exploited or destroyed by this process.

The system has to change, but change to what?

The first thing it has to be - is inclusive.  The second thing - is all entities have to be represented in the decision-making process.  The third - constant assessment of the effect of decisions made by the board on the human and ecological commons.

The concept is based on fairness and that fairness has to be inclusive.  Minorities have to be included as majorities are.  Representational decision-making must take place in all corporate decisions that include representatives of the effected systems.

There are presidents for this that show it can be done.

A parliamentary board system be established for every incorporated business and those elected would have standing as shareholders with the same voting rights as the investment shareholders.

Ecosystem shareholders, humanity shareholders, worker shareholders will be included in the composition of the board of directors.  All decisions by the board will then be assessed by and voted upon by all standing shareholders before any action will take place.

An assessment process of the corporate decisions will take place quarterly and a yearly assessment will combine earnings and profits accounting with the ecological and humanity implications will be included in the earnings accounting.

If those assessment show that the strategies that were implemented by the board were proved to be detrimental to humanity and the ecosystem, readies would be implemented to address and fix the decision making process that made the detrimental effects.

This process would be called the commons economy and would apply to all economic decision making at every level of the economic process.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We need to redesign the machine

State control of massive corporations, note China, doesn’t work for the eco-system, nor does local democratic processes, also note China.

No business practice that is generated by the state or ‘private sector’ is going to do the right thing when it comes to the ecosystem.

The reason?  Any present form of accounting using any system, just won’t hack it.

Machines once set in place run the same way for ever.  The reason – because they are machines.  You can look at any government run economic system or corporate run economic system, simple as a machine.

The present system, socialist, communist, capitalist, all are basically machines.  Running the machines either to make profits or not, end up in the same place.  It’s not about who runs the levers and pushes the buttons, it’s about how the machine is constructed.

We need to redesign the machine, but in a clandestine way, I would submit.

The whole conceptual thought is simply that.

Externality inclusion in how the machine is designed is the most pragmatic approach that I can think off to at least start the redesign process.

The Planet Is Broke

Friday, July 12, 2013

Chimera a myth or not

lion goat serpent combined a myth that is fast becoming a reality but in a different way due to science its how you see the future its how we create the new myths of today what ideas we pass on to the future its all about what was passed on to us from the past

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Should U.S. corporations disclose their externalities in their 10K reports?

Should U.S. corporations disclose their externalities in their 10K reports?

Of course they should.

Should Federal Government contracts with corporations include discloser of the externalities created by the contract requests?

Of course they should.

Should the insurance industry promote the recognition of externalities in the contracts they sign with various sectors of the economy they insure?

Of course they should.

As the magnitude of risk increases with the advent of climate change, let alone all the issues regarding water concerns, the repercussions on the climate and water alone are creating massive costs to the insurance industry.  The problem the insurance industry has, is they don’t know how and why it is happening and can't put a number on it because they don’t have the information they need to assess the insurance risks.  Or do they?

It’s time to start doing something about externalities.

The insurance industry is on the front lines of the negative effects of climate change, yet is given little or no options to confront these negative externalities that create the problems.

It’s time to start doing something about it.

The Security and Exchange Commission should include in corporate reporting, that corporation include their externalities in their reports to the SEC.

The Federal Government should include in their contracts that all externalities be included in the cost estimates in the contracts they let out for bid.

The insurance industry would then have a better understanding of the risks that they are insuring against.

Shouldn't the insurance industry be made aware of externality risks by corporate and government reporting and would then have a better understanding of the total risks involved?

Of course they should.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

It’s a cleshay but true, water touches everything and everyone.

To elaborate on that simple idea, is to delve into the total collective organizational behavior of humans.  How we collect and share our knowledge and experiences and what the processes are that make water a touchstone for human existence.

Water is a guide for greater understanding of human existence on this planet.  Where we are presently today, in history of course and how the future plays out.

What composes knowledge and experiences, how does it come together, day in and day out?  There are many aspects to this and water flows through all of them.  The economic systems where water is a commons for everyone, but for a few, a commodity to be bought and sold for profit and wealth.

At the global scale it’s part of the environmental process, the bedrock of that process, because without it nothing else exists.  Understanding the implications of how the ecosystem depends on water is just beginning to emerge from our collective unconscious to the conscious in many of our world’s cultures.  Some cultures have known its importance, for every.

Without an abundant supply of water the vast expansion of human population would not be possible.  The various social structures that exist throughout the world would come crashing down, overnight without the gift of water – many have vanished, never to been seen again because water just vanished.

Political systems and institutions sip from the cup of water.  Water is used as a political weapon, a tool for good, and a weapon for bad.  Concentrations of humanity in cities and countries must have water to exist.  The politics of water, how it is moved, storied, used and saved is again the only reason such concentrations of humanity can exist.

Humans create technologies to move, store and even create fresh water from oceans.  Some of the energy human’s use comes from water, technology cleans the water humans dirty and defile.  Technology makes it possible to use and reuse it, store it behind massive structures, spray it over vast parts of deserts to grow food – but also to create massive problems, for how that use effects the ecosystem.

This is all a process of creating preferences and expectations that come from these various parts of human existences.  One drives another that in turn drives another in an ever-ending cycle of loops.  It churns endlessly tell something goes wrong and things brake down – could be the economy, production, the environment, political structures, population and of course a technology fix that proves misguided.

All this cycle of human experience contributes to the every increasing fund of knowledge and experience that we are now beginning to share on a global scale.  From that experience humans reset the gages of the various worlds that make up the human experience, recalibrate, fiddling with the dials of change, trying to keep the human experience going in one form or another.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What's In the Box

I wonder if you have ever been in this box?