Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Working Class Needs to Wake Up

It's time for us 'socialist liberals' to get back on the streets and take down these job killing trade pacts that the middle and right wing politicians keep getting passed. The Wall Street and multi-national merchants of crap have been shafting the middle class and the working class and I must not forget the really big boys - 'dirty oil'.

Look I'm old enough to see this country divided by what happened in the south in the sixties, getting people with a skin color other than white a place at the dinner was a big deal – because of that white southern’s decided to vote for what every came along that coded things like 'get rid of the education department of the federal government' and the likes of what Rand Paul said to get elected in of course another southern state. He’s the prime example of trash talking dinner deniers who how resides in the Senate of all places, racism is not dead in this country by a long shot as Paul proves the point. The south is still a race bating election winning place of no hope - it's going to take a hundred years to get those white, racists mad men out, if every. Another one now resides in the Senate; raise the confederate flag high and tall over Rand Paul's state.

And so the saga goes on and on.

I have no idea how to convince a white guy with a high school education that when he votes for Republican 'fiscal conservatives' he's voting against his own interests - other to tell him he's in the spot he's end not because of us 'liberals' but because of the right wing radicals that call themselves fiscal conservatives.

So as a white man that grew up in a working class family and reside in that class today, it's time for us to tell my people, they got screwed by the people they keep electing. Wise up and get your butt in gear and demand that the government trade pacts all get scrapped so we white dudes who know how to build things, make things have a chance to do just that, because we don’t have that chance now.

It's not about black, white, brown, yellow or pink - it's about jobs and the corporate politicians that get their marching orders from people like WalMart, Exxion, Shell, BP, that's right multi-national monsters like that that now run this country and wipe out working class jobs by the millions here in this country, to go to hell.

So it's really time to take back this country and our streets, the time is ... NOW.

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