... I posted this on the HuffingtonPost.Com site regarding the article: "How Will Republican Wins Affect Federal Education Policy?" You can read the article at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/11/03/how-will-republican-wins-_n_778496.html
The part of this issue that is not being addressed is the demands of the DE regarding testing. Please look at what is going to be tested in 2011-it's appalling. If at best the testing only tests a small portion of what should be really taught in school - music, creativity, patterning, physical education, art, dance to name only a few. What the tests test in the fourth grade is read and math, that’s it. The whole experience of learning is more than those two subjects, lots more, yet the DE only test math and reading, it like testing for how pure water is by testing only for gas and oil. There is no reason to rely on these very limited areas for understanding how kids are getting along in school. I have no idea who creates these tests - I can bet it's probably some corporate hacks that have a big contract that has been greased by the political process, made simple by the politicians that passed the education bills that benefited these 'educators'. But that's just speculation on my part, but I wouldn't put it pass the political jerks that use every issue they can get their hands on to advance their own personal slant on the world. End of rant.
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