Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Liberal Militia’s of the USA

The left has to start creating Militia’s at the local level.  It’s a second amendment right.  It is the only way to confront the right in their never-ending quest to control gun issues in this country.

Fight fire, with fire. 

Nothing else is going to work.  The NRA is the enemy of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; they promote and enjoy the total freedom of owning guns and the use of guns in this country.   The only things they understand are guns and the rights of gun owners no matter what is done with them and the consequences of those rights.

They don’t care about what happens when and where they are used, because they call the use of guns a citizen right and to own and use them the NRA’s bottom line.

Presently there is no protection from guns; the NRA’s position regarding the free and open use of guns and the right to use them a Constitutional right.

There’s another part to the second amendment and it reads as follows:  A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” We presently are not secure in these United States, because of the demands of the NRA.

So it’s time that the left start organizing to defend the rights of people from getting killed by guns.

Militias in every corner of every village in the United States need to organized.  It’s a guaranteed right of the United States Constitution to do so.  It’s time to organize; it’s time to demand that citizens have a right to organize to protect each and everyone.

So the Liberal Militia’s of the USA need to be created to confront the NRA in the halls of the United States Congress, in the halls of every state in this union, every county and local government.

It’s time to form Militia’s to protect all children; they are the future of the country, and the rights of all citizen of the United States of America because presently the NRA is destroying those rights.

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