Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Koch Bros Mony At Work


Who Hates the Poor? They Work for The Kochs

Apparently "some people" (and I mean people who work for "people of means") believe there isn't any value in giving health insurance to the poor. They believed that it would be a waste of money because poor people wouldn't make use of available medical benefits and would be no better off than if no insurance was provided. Well, "surprise, surprise," as they say. From the NY Times (h/t Balloon Juice): When poor people are given medical insurance, they not only find regular doctors and see doctors more often but they also feel better, are less depressed and are better able to maintain financial stability, according to a new, large-scale study that provides the first rigorously controlled assessment of the impact of Medicaid. While the findings may seem obvious, health economists and policy makers have long questioned whether it would make any difference to provide health insurance to poor people.


Koch Industries Backing Bachmann For President

According to Koch Industries’ FEC files, the company’s political action committee has already donated $5,000 to Bachmann’s presidential primary bid, suggesting that pundits, including myself, may be wrong about the Republican’s odds of wooing elite insiders who are jittery over such a radically fundamentalist candidate.


How a Corporatist Supreme Court Cabal Joined Forces With Right Wing and Kochs to Quietly Sell Out Our Democracy

Corrupt, right-wing Supreme Court justices are abusing their power, fraternizing with the Koch brothers and fixing elections (among other horrors).


The Koch Spider Web

Rick Boucher, a then-28-year incumbent Democratic Congressman from the Ninth District - the longest-serving Congressman in that district since the Civil War - was surprisingly defeated by Republican Morgan Griffith. The upset came as a shock to many, since an early October poll showed Boucher ahead by double digits... Boucher is the type of moderate Democrat that Progressives loathe. He is indeed a great friend of coal and went out of his way to preserve coals jobs in his district. Boucher did vote for cap and trade, but only because he feared the alternative was to leave regulation to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which he said would be devastating for companies that rely on coal and their employees.... "Boucher Betrayed Coal" ads that played in Virginia and that were so effective they eventually cost Boucher his seat, were paid for by the Americans for Prosperity, a special-interest group founded with the support of David H. Koch


Did Koch Group Team Up With Religious Right to Suppress Wisconsin Vote?

Remember when the Tea Party movement was supposed to be just all about the size of government, and not about those pesky "social" issues?


Koch-Funded Americans For Prosperity Send Dems Wrong Voter Information in Wisconsin Recall Elections


Koch-Backed Group Buys $150K in TV Time for Wisconsin Ad Blitz

Americans for Prosperity, the conservative political advocacy group founded by David Koch and funded by a roster of right-wing think tanks, has purchased $150,000 in TV air time in Green Bay, Madison, and Milwaukee, three of Wisconsin's biggest media markets. The ad buy comes in the run-up to Wisconsin's big recall elections, which are just over a week away. If spent on pro-GOP recall ads, the buy brings AFP's overall political spending on the recall races to more than $500,000.


Koch-Funded Tea Party Heavyweight Tim Phillips Spoke at Norweigan Killer's Political Party Event


Koch Brothers Trolling For Interns to Work at Right Wing Orgs

I had an email that included mention of the koch brothers, and this google link shows up: Koch Internship Program - 'cgkfoundation.org/internship - Advance free-market principles. Intern this fall in DC.' they're helping the right wing policy promotion echo chamber by finding and hiring interns. Another angle on how the right is so successful


Koch brothers declare war on offshore wind


Koch Brothers' ALEC Tentacles Creep Into Your State


On the News With Thom Hartmann: Minnesota GOP Legislation Written by ALEC, Funded by Koch Brothers and Wal-Mart, and More


ALEC Exposed: The Koch Connection

Hundreds of ALEC’s model bills and resolutions bear traces of Koch DNA: raw ideas that were once at the fringes but that have been carved into “mainstream” policy through the wealth and will of Charles and David Koch. Of all the Kochs’ investments in right-wing organizations, ALEC provides some of the best returns: it gives the Kochs a way to make their brand of free-market fundamentalism legally binding. No one knows how much the Kochs have given ALEC in total, but the amount likely exceeds $1 million—not including a half-million loaned to ALEC when the group was floundering. ALEC gave the Kochs its Adam Smith Free Enterprise Award, and Koch Industries has been one of the select members of ALEC’s corporate board for almost twenty years. The company’s top lobbyist was once ALEC’s chairman. As a result, the Kochs have shaped legislation touching every state in the country. Like ideological venture capitalists, the Kochs have used ALEC as a way to invest in radical ideas and fertilize them with tons of cash.


ALEC's Summer Camp For Kids! Fun And Politics, The Koch Way!

Want your kid to go to summer camp this year? How about one sponsored by ALEC, the shadow organization that sponsors and writes right-wing legislation to be shared by the states? ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council, is offering "Kid's Congress' in New Orleans this year. What better way to indoctrinate youth than to mix the fun of New Orleans with Koch-funded politics? Learn about ALEC, and then tell me you would let your child attend!

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