Who needs a new party? We do, the left needs a new party. The right has its - the Tea Party, so why can't we have on the left have a party. So I suggest we have a Robin Hood Party.
A party of taxing, the opposite of the Tea Party, the party of no taxing. So who should get taxed? Obvious corporations like GE who didn't pay any taxes last year and probably did pay any taxes for years past.
Let's not forget the super rich, they've moved the billions over seas so there's no hope of taxing any of their ill gotten gains because they don't exist in the eyes of the tax mavens in Washington, DC, mainly because they have made it possible for the super rich to play the game of make it here and there and keep it there.
So it's time to tax, or take it from the super rich corporations and the super rich super rich and turn around and give it to the poor. There's more and more of the poor in this country, it a growth industry if you can call creating more poor a growth industry.
So what to do.
Start spray canning the media with Robin Hood logos. That's a beginning. Create a Robin Hood Logo - maybe a hoodie with no face, just the hood, so when people see it they know what it means.
The hoodies rule.
Robin Hood rules.
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