Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Nature can no longer clean up after us

So it’s left up to us to clean up our own mess, or we are faced with greater and greater messes like Sandy, Haiyan, Deepwater Horizon, Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster – the list goes on and on.

Our present economic system allows for this to happen, because it doesn’t recognize the harm we are doing to everything we care about. 

We are the economic system, there for it is up to us to make the needed changes to stop the messes we create day in and day out and stop the way we make these messes.

Nature doesn’t care what we do, because it will just change due to the messes the natural processes encounter.  These natural process adapt and because of that every thing on this planet get rearranged, different relationships develop, things come and go and nature could care less about what survives, what lives and what dies.

We influence nature with our very existence.

The more of us that give birth to more of us, the demands that we make on nature because of our behavior with the massive increase of our numbers, create more and more mess, which simply means we don’t have much of a wonderful future. 

The latest example of that is what just happened in the Philippines’.  It was brought about by you and me - all of us because of our every day behavior that creates nature’s reactions to our messes.

It’s time to clean up our act, or more and more of  ‘natural disasters’ will continue at a faster and faster pace.  Nature could care less about the human race, we had better begin to care about the behavior of nature, or we had better be prepared for more and more of the same.