Every ecological disaster over time is forgotten within our collective societal mindset. We who struggle in the global goo of corporate misadventures are confronted with this ever-ending struggle. But now and then there is a massive environmental pollution eruption that our collective mindset acknowledges and recognizes the massive repercussion that a disaster of great magnitude has done.
With this latest disaster, we have to press our concern; we are mandated to do something to fix the root cause that created this latest disaster. We need to offer a comprehensive solution and present that solution in a unifying way that we all can get behind.
The world economic system as presently defined - the ‘free market’ system has to change. It has to change because it is affecting the lively hoods of people and the planetary environment that supports people. We need an ecological economic system that includes the planetary environment that makes it possible for human to exist.
We need to totally restructure how humans exist and relate on this planet.
We need to create an economic system that supports human coexistence with all things natural to this planet. No artificial or incomplete answers for our complete and universal coexistence with this planet.
The root cause of this continuous escalation of destruction is the economic shortsighted dependence on many human endeavors that support and subsidize the existing economic system.
The changes that need to take place are the re-introduction of economic relationships that support and stabilize complete ecological sharing and rejuvenation.
Without an inclusive plan, we will continue to have more destructive ecological events of massive ecological destruction on a greater and greater scale.
We need to start now by using our unique collective worldwide communication technology to accomplish the goal of a totally inclusive planetary economy that begins to change the existing economic paradigm and shifts that paradigm in a totally new direction.