Thursday, November 19, 2009

Copenhagen or dope-en-hagen

... a short video on being a dope-en-hagen is really going to be easy to do along with pope, hope and mope.

2 billion and counting

The pope is taking away or stopping rights of women and gays. It's time to start taking some rights from the pope. He was a big cover up guy when his boys were raping alter boys. Ops sorry its called something else but it's still what it is. The Catholic Guys are over 2 billion in the hole, that's allot of Sunday donations from people all over the world. Why do they keep giving?

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Lucky you, tomorrow, for breakfast, you may be taking a big swig of bio fuels. It's the energy drink of the future. In reality you're already drinking it.

... and

Why don't we do what we should have done? Maybe you did and didn't know it, maybe you didn't.

dope-en-hagen strange short video on what is really going to happen in December

There really is nothing that is going to change the direction of the environment as we as humans mess with the existing state of the planet and the planet is going to do what it does. And we are going to pay for it big time, if we aren't already doing it. tells the story.

But the real problem is this:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nestle Moves On

The food and beverage giant Nestle announced that it is abandoning its water bottling designs on McCloud, California and leaving town for good.

in reference to: The global website of Nestlé SA (view on Google Sidewiki)